Thursday, March 14, 2013

What is Paleo??

The Paleolithic Diet
Ancient Answers to Modern Problems
(That is definitely something to think about)

Since starting Paleo I have had so many people ask me what it is. I would just look at them with this dumb look on my face because I honestly did not know what to say. I know it about a clean and healthy way of eating, but it is really much more than that. I can change your life without you even realizing it. When you eat better and not feeling your body with junk: You Just Feel Better! That allows you to be able to do more things throughout the day and get more achieve in life.

Above is a chart that tells you what you can eat and why. Then it also tells you what you cannot eat and why. The easiest way for me to remember it is to think of the food pyramid. Instead of having all the different categories, there is only four. Nuts, Fruits, Vegetables, and Meats, Eggs, Fish. Then think about nuts being at the top, then fruits, then vegetable, and then finally meats, eggs, and fish being at the bottom. The pyramid naturally gets larger as you go to the bottom so it means eat everything in it, but eat more of what is towads the bottom. Simple enough right?
We are eating "REAL" food and this is not a low calorie diet. Some people do start this diet to lose weight, but then soon realize how much they have changed for the better and continue on it. I encourage everyone to give it a try. If not for a lifetime at least try it out for 1 month. You will be amazed at home after one month it just becomes normal to you.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Paleo Shamrock Shake


I came across this today and just had to share especially since St. Patrick's Day is just around the corner. I know many people are addicted to the McDonald's Shamrock Shake. I personally have never had one. I will definitely be giving this recipe a try. Below I will be listing the recipe so that you yourself can try to make it. Please leave a comment with your review below so that others can read it. I will be posting a blog with my review on this shake as well.

Paleo Shamrock Shake

1 can coconut milk (you can also sub 1 ¾ cups of any other type of milk)
1 avocado (peeled and seed removed)
2 1/2 – 3 Tbsp pure raw honey or other sweetener of choice
1 cup of ice
1 Tbsp pure vanilla extract
1 tsp pure peppermint extract

Put everything in the blender and blend.


I wanted to take the time to introduce myself for my very first post on Super Mom to CaveWoman. My name is Mary Ann. I am married to my best friend, my soul mate, my lover, my confidant, and my rock. Josh is the most amazing man I have ever met. Lord knows he has stood beside me through my many ventures. We have three beautiful little boys. Aydan our oldest is 4, Levi is 3, and our newest addition Kody is 2 months old. These boys are the light of my life and I honestly cannot remember life without them. I am currently a stay at home mom who is pursuing my degree in Web Development. I also own an online boutique Sassy Belles & Beaus ( and I also sell Scentsy ( I stay very busy, but still manage to find time to add more things to my plate.

My oldest son Aydan was diagnosed with ADHD when he turned 4. Most doctors say that is too young to diagnose him, but others disagree. Regardless, we have tried everything from herbal remedies to prescription medicine to help his ADHD. We have honestly exhausted every option, but one. That was for him to live a Paleo lifestyle. Living Paleo allows your body to function 100% without sugar, additives, preservatives, or anything else that is not needed by the body. It took me quite some time to wrap my head around the idea. Now that I have, I am sold. Two very dear friends of mine helped me to begin the transition. When I say we are new to Paleo, I mean we are really new. We have just begun our journey about a week ago. I decided to slow transition my family into this instead of just pushing them off a cliff so to speak. I wanted to start this blog so people can see that even a super busy mom with three children can find a way to live healthy as well as helping her family to live healthy. I hope to be an inspiration to all the moms, dads, women, and men around the world. Whether you have children or not, join me in making a healthier world!

I will be using this blog not only to update everyone on our Paleo transition, but to also give Paleo recipes and reviews, How to convert your everyday meal to Paleo, and also just tips and tricks in life itself.

Hope you enjoy!

Mary Ann